MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Obtaining the current-flux relations of the saturated PMSM by signal injection

Authors: Pascal Combes, François Malrait , Philippe Martin , Pierre Rouchon, Industrial Electronics Society , IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2017.8216352
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This paper proposes a method based on signal injection to obtain the saturated current-flux relations of a PMSM from locked-rotor experiments. With respect to the classical method based on time integration, it has the main advantage of being completely independent of the stator resistance; moreover, it is less sensitive to voltage biases due to the power inverter, as the injected signal may be fairly large.
author = {Pascal Combes, François Malrait, Philippe Martin, Pierre Rouchon},
title = {Obtaining the current-flux relations of the saturated PMSM by signal injection},
booktitle = {Obtaining the current-flux relations of the saturated PMSM by signal injection},
address = {Beijing},
year = {2017},
abstract = {This paper proposes a method based on signal injection to obtain the saturated current-flux relations of a PMSM from locked-rotor experiments. With respect to the classical method based on time integration, it has the main advantage of being completely independent of the stator resistance; moreover, it is less sensitive to voltage biases due to the power inverter, as the injected signal may be fairly large.}, }