MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

An iterative algorithm for dynamic optimization of systems with input-dependent hydraulic delays

Authors: C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, and N. Petit, 10th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Shenyang, Liaoning, 2018
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In this article, we propose a numerical algorithm capable of handling optimal control problems for a class of systems with input-dependent input hydraulic delays. Such delays are often observed in process industries. A careful look at the stationarity conditions allows us to derive an iterative algorithm approaching the solution of this problem by solving a series of simpler auxiliary instances. Interestingly, the algorithm is able to leverage state-of-the-art numerical optimization tools such as IPOPT. The proof of convergence is sketched, highlighting the relevance of the chosen algorithmic structure as a form of gradient descent in a functional space. The practical interest of the algorithm is evidenced on a numerical example, showing the desirable properties of convergence and the numerical efficiency.
author = {C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, and N. Petit},
title = {An iterative algorithm for dynamic optimization of systems with input-dependent hydraulic delays},
booktitle = {An iterative algorithm for dynamic optimization of systems with input-dependent hydraulic delays},
address = {Shenyang, Liaoning},
year = {2018},
abstract = {In this article, we propose a numerical algorithm capable of handling optimal control problems for a class of systems with input-dependent input hydraulic delays. Such delays are often observed in process industries. A careful look at the stationarity conditions allows us to derive an iterative algorithm approaching the solution of this problem by solving a series of simpler auxiliary instances. Interestingly, the algorithm is able to leverage state-of-the-art numerical optimization tools such as IPOPT. The proof of convergence is sketched, highlighting the relevance of the chosen algorithmic structure as a form of gradient descent in a functional space. The practical interest of the algorithm is evidenced on a numerical example, showing the desirable properties of convergence and the numerical efficiency.},
keywords = {Optimal control, time varying delays, numerical methods, convergence analysis},}