MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Benchmarking of Industrial Stick-Slip Mitigation Controllers

Authors: U. J. F. Aarsnes, F. Di Meglio, R. J. Shor, 3rd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production OOGP, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.06.382
The present paper evaluates how three different top-drive feedback controllers influence the occurrence of a stick-slip limit cycle in a rotating drill string. The considered controllers are: 1) The industry standard stiff, high-gain controller, 2) SoftTorque, and, 3) ZTorque. The evaluation is performed as a simulation study on a distributed model of a drill string with a collar section and Coulomb friction as a distributed source term. This model is capable of replicating stick-slip oscillations as caused by the reduction in friction from static to dynamic, and have been shown to yield a good match with field data. The simulation study is summarized as a map for each controller indicating the existence and amplitude of oscillations, parametrized in the key friction parameters.
author = {U. J. F. Aarsnes, F. Di Meglio, R. J. Shor},
title = {Benchmarking of Industrial Stick-Slip Mitigation Controllers},
booktitle = {Benchmarking of Industrial Stick-Slip Mitigation Controllers},
year = {2018},
abstract = {The present paper evaluates how three different top-drive feedback controllers influence the occurrence of a stick-slip limit cycle in a rotating drill string. The considered controllers are: 1) The industry standard stiff, high-gain controller, 2) SoftTorque, and, 3) ZTorque. The evaluation is performed as a simulation study on a distributed model of a drill string with a collar section and Coulomb friction as a distributed source term. This model is capable of replicating stick-slip oscillations as caused by the reduction in friction from static to dynamic, and have been shown to yield a good match with field data. The simulation study is summarized as a map for each controller indicating the existence and amplitude of oscillations, parametrized in the key friction parameters.},
keywords = {Drilling control; automation; Closed-loop control; control system analysis; distributed-parameter systems; motor control},}