MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

A global observer for attitude and gyro biases from vector measurements

Authors: Philippe Martin, Ioannis Sarras, proc. of the IFAC 2017 Wold Congress, pp. 15409-15415, 2017, Toulouse.
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We consider the classical problem of estimating the attitude and gyro biases of a rigid body from vector measurements and a triaxial rate gyro. We propose a simple “geometry-free” nonlinear observer with guaranteed uniform global asymptotic convergence and local exponential convergence; the stability analysis, which relies on a strict Lyapunov function, is rather simple. The excellent behavior of the observer is illustrated through a detailed numerical simulation.
author = {Philippe Martin, Ioannis Sarras},
editor = {},
title = {A global observer for attitude and gyro biases from vector measurements},
booktitle = {IFAC 2017 Wold Congress},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Toulouse},
pages = {15409-15415},
year = {2017},
abstract = {We consider the classical problem of estimating the attitude and gyro biases of a rigid body from vector measurements and a triaxial rate gyro. We propose a simple “geometry-free” nonlinear observer with guaranteed uniform global asymptotic convergence and local exponential convergence; the stability analysis, which relies on a strict Lyapunov function, is rather simple. The excellent behavior of the observer is illustrated through a detailed numerical simulation.},
keywords = {}}