MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Qubit Hamiltonian identification: A symmetry-preserving observer-based approach

Authors: S. Bonnabel, M. Mirrahimi, P. Rouchon, 2008 IFAC World Congress, July 2008, Seoul, Korea, pp. 7612-7617
We consider a pure two-state quantum system illuminated by two lasers. A photo-detector captures the fluorescence of the system. We build an invariant observer which yields a (local) estimation of the wave function (or density matrix) and the two key parameters (laser de-tuning and the atom- laser coupling strength) of the hamiltonian. The design exploits the symmetries of the system and can be interpreted geometrically. The convergence proof is based on averaging arguments. Simulation with noise illustrates the robustness of the obtained estimation algorithm.
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author = {S. Bonnabel, M. Mirrahimi, P. Rouchon},
editor = {},
title = {Qubit Hamiltonian identification: A symmetry-preserving observer-based approach},
booktitle = {2008 IFAC World Congress},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Seoul},
pages = {7612-7617},
year = {2008},
abstract = {We consider a pure two-state quantum system illuminated by two lasers. A photo-detector captures the fluorescence of the system. We build an invariant observer which yields a (local) estimation of the wave function (or density matrix) and the two key parameters (laser de-tuning and the atom- laser coupling strength) of the hamiltonian. The design exploits the symmetries of the system and can be interpreted geometrically. The convergence proof is based on averaging arguments. Simulation with noise illustrates the robustness of the obtained estimation algorithm.},
keywords = {Quantum systems, symmetries, asymptotic observers, estimation, nonlinear systems}}