MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Experimental control of Variable Cam Timing actuators

Authors: Jonathan Chauvin, Nicolas Petit, Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Aug 20-22 2007, Seascape Resort, USA, DOI:10.3182/20070820-3-US-2918.00015
In this paper, we propose a control scheme for the position of Variable Cam Timing (VCT) actuators. We take into account the observation by (Genç et al., 2001) that these actuators feature a significant nonlinearity, but we use a different approach. We perform a model reduction of mechanics, pressure, flows and balance equations. It serves to design an observer used in a motion planning strategy that is ultimately complemented by a tracking controller. Supportive vehicle experimental results are presented.
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author = {Jonathan Chauvin, Nicolas Petit},
editor = {},
title = {Experimental control of Variable Cam Timing actuators},
booktitle = {Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Seascape Resort, USA},
pages = {1-7},
year = {2007},
abstract = {In this paper, we propose a control scheme for the position of Variable Cam Timing (VCT) actuators. We take into account the observation by (Genç et al., 2001) that these actuators feature a significant nonlinearity, but we use a different approach. We perform a model reduction of mechanics, pressure, flows and balance equations. It serves to design an observer used in a motion planning strategy that is ultimately complemented by a tracking controller. Supportive vehicle experimental results are presented.},
keywords = {Variable Cam Timing, actuator control, motion planning}}