On some optimization problems for stellarators
Topic: Optimization | All
Date : 06/10/2022 De 16h00 A 17h00
Room : to be defined
Lien / Link : https://mines-paristech.zoom.us/j/91746209217?pwd=VVc4dmxid3cyazFtMTh1ZHdsUmRxZz09 >
ID de la réunion / Meeting ID : 91746209217
Mot de passe / Password : 907385
Rémi Robin, Centre Automatique et Systèmes, Mines Paris
On some optimization problems for stellarators
In this presentation, we will focus on problems related to the magnetic confinement of a plasma in the context of the design of a stellarator nuclear fusion reactor. We will start by presenting the physical context and the underlying industrial motivations, then we will look at a modeling problem related to magnetic forces. After that, we will present theoretical and numerical results on a shape optimization problem related to the optimal design of coils. If time permits, we will finally consider the existence problem of optimal shapes for this kind of problems under a uniform reach constraint.
Rémi Robin is a newly hired postdoc at Centre Automatique et Systèmes (Mines Paris). He graduated with a PhD in applied mathematics from Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Sorbonne University) and his work focuses mainly on optimization for nuclear fusion reactors and control of quantum systems.
Room : to be defined
Lien / Link : https://mines-paristech.zoom.us/j/91746209217?pwd=VVc4dmxid3cyazFtMTh1ZHdsUmRxZz09 >
ID de la réunion / Meeting ID : 91746209217
Mot de passe / Password : 907385
Rémi Robin, Centre Automatique et Systèmes, Mines Paris
On some optimization problems for stellarators
In this presentation, we will focus on problems related to the magnetic confinement of a plasma in the context of the design of a stellarator nuclear fusion reactor. We will start by presenting the physical context and the underlying industrial motivations, then we will look at a modeling problem related to magnetic forces. After that, we will present theoretical and numerical results on a shape optimization problem related to the optimal design of coils. If time permits, we will finally consider the existence problem of optimal shapes for this kind of problems under a uniform reach constraint.
Rémi Robin is a newly hired postdoc at Centre Automatique et Systèmes (Mines Paris). He graduated with a PhD in applied mathematics from Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Sorbonne University) and his work focuses mainly on optimization for nuclear fusion reactors and control of quantum systems.