MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes


Estimation des vitesses à partir de la mesure des déplacements pour une équation des ondes

Author: Pierre Rouchon Dowload PDFAbstract...

High-gain observer with uniform in the initial condition finite time convergence

Authors: Vincent Andrieu, Laurent Praly, Alessandro Astolfi. Dowload PDFAbstract...

Closed loop observer-based parameter estimation of quantum systems with a single population measurement

Author: Zaki Leghtas
An observer-based Hamiltonian identification algorithm for quantum systems has been proposed by Bonnabel-et-al. In this paper we propose another observer enabling the identification of the dipole moments of a multi-level case, and having access to the population of the ground state only.
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Proof of Theorem 2 in "High-gain observers with updated high-gain and homogeneous correction terms"

Authors: Vincent Andrieu, Laurent Praly, Alessandro Astolfi
The aim of this note is to give a proof of a Theorem 2 in "High-gain observers with updated high-gain and homogeneous correction terms" which will be published in Automatica.
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