Nicolas Petit


Centre Automatique et Systèmes
MINES Paris, PSL University
60, bd Saint-Michel 
75272, PARIS CEDEX 06 

Nicolas Petit is Professor at MINES Paris, PSL University at the Centre Automatique et Systèmes. His research interests are in control theory and its applications. Current research works include exoskeletons, refining and energetic processes, multiphase and microfluidic flows, smart ammunitions, and heavy launchers.

He has served as an Associate Editor for Automatica over the 2006–2015 period and has been Senior Editor for Journal of Process Control since 2014. After being the co-founder of a startup company, he now actively serves on the board or as scientific advisor for several other startups, including Wandercraft,, and K-Ryole. He is also a Member of the Scientific Board of IFP Energies Nouvelles.

He received two times the “Journal of Process Control Paper Prize” for Best article over the periods 2002–-2005 and 2008–-2011, and is recipient of the 2016 Production and Operations Regional Award from Society of Petroleum Engineers. He is also the recipient of the 2017 FIEEC-F2i award for Applied Research for his outstanding contribution to Fluigent microfluidic products. In 2024, he received the Prix Michel Monpetit Inria de l’Académie des sciences.

Nicolas Petit graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1995 (X92), and obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Control at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris in 2000. In 2000–-2001, he was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Control and Dynamical Systems at the California Institute of Technology. He received the Habilitation à diriger des recherches en Mathématiques from Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 2007. He was head of Centre Automatique et Systèmes from 2008 to 2022. In 2022 he was Auditeur at Collège des Hautes Etudes de l'Institut Diplomatique.





Students PhD-candidates

Former graduate students

  1. Maxime Brunet (joint with F. Di Meglio), Control-enabled gait training with self-balanced lower-limb exoskeletons, June 2023 (thesis)
  2. Hubert Ménou, Hierarchical Emergency Guidance Optimization for Reusable Tossback Vehicle Landing, January 2023 (thesis)
  3. Loris Amabile (joint with D. Bresch-Pietri), Conception of energy management systems for residential photovoltaic self-consumption installations, December 2021 (thesis)
  4. Matthieu Vigne (joint with F. Di Meglio), Estimation and Control of the Deformations of an Exoskeleton using Inertial Sensors, October 2021 (thesis)
  5. Pierre-Cyril Aubin, Estimation and Control under Constraints through Kernel Methods, July 2021 (thesis)
  6. Aurélien Fiot, Attitude estimation of an artillery shell in free-flight from accelerometers and magnetometers, Oct. 2020 (thesis)
  7. Charles-Henri Clerget, Contributions to the control and dynamic optimization of processes with varying delays, Dec. 2017 (thesis)
    Awarded IFAC Young Author Award at the ADCHEM 2018 conference (pic)
    Top Young Entrepreneur Of The Forbes 30 Under 30 2020 list (link)
  8. Christophe Coudurier, Conception, modélisation et contrôle d'un tube anti-roulis multidirectionnel pour une barge offshore portant une éolienne, Dec. 2017 (link)
  9. Nathanaël Beeker-Adda, Modeling and control of electric hot water tanks: from the single unit to the group, July 2016 (link)
  10. Djamaleddine Maamria (joint with F. Chaplais), Dynamic optimization in multi-states systems for automobile energy efficiency, Nov 2015 (thesis)
  11. Lionel Magnis, Estimation of angular rate from direction sensors, July 2015 (thesis)
  12. Anthony Bonfils, Experimental closed-loop control of SCR aftertreatment systems using NOx sensors cross-sensitive to NH3, Dec. 2013 (thesis)
  13. Delphine Bresch-Pietri, Robust control of variable time-delay systems. Theoretical contributions and applications to engine control. Dec. 2012 (thesis)
    Awarded ParisTech Best PhD 2013 (pic) Awarded European PhD Award on Control for Complex and Heterogeneous Systems 2013 (link)(pic)
  14. Paul Malisani (joint with F. Chaplais), Dynamic control of energy in buildings using constrained optimal control by interior penalty, Sept. 2012 thesis (Matlab optimal control software examples)
    Awarded Prix Paul Caseau 2013 (link) (pic)
  15. Pierre-Jean Bristeau, Motion estimation techniques for GPS-free vehicle and other examples of MEMS navigation systems design, Dec. 2011 thesis
  16. Eric Dorveaux, Magneto-inertial navigation: principles and application to an indoor pedometer, Oct. 2011 thesis
  17. Florent Di Meglio, Dynamics and control of slugging in oil production, July 2011 thesis
  18. Thomas Leroy, Cylinder filling control of Variable-Valve-Actuation equipped Internal Combustion engines, March 2010 thesis
  19. Mathieu Hillion, Transient combustion control of internal combustion engines, Dec. 2009 thesis
  20. Olivier Lepreux, Model-based temperature control of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst, Oct. 2009 thesis
  21. David Vissière, Guidance navigation and control solutions for unmanned heterogeneous vehicles during a collaborative mission, June 2008 thesis
    Awarded ParisTech Best PhD 2009, Awarded " Ingénieur de l'année 2010" with Sysnav from Usine Nouvelle
  22. Jonathan Chauvin (joint with P. Rouchon), Estimation and control of a Diesel HCCI engine. Estimation for time periodic systems, Sept. 2006 thesis
    Awarded ParisTech Best PhD 2007.
  23. Julien Barraud, Control of processes with variable parameters. Sept. 2006 thesis
  24. Laure Sinègre, Dynamic study of unstable phenomena stepping in gas-lift activated wells, Sept. 2006 thesis



  1. N. Petit, "Motion planning for Viscous Fingering", in IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), Volume: 8, pp. 1409-1414, 2024, (pdf)
  2. N. Petit, "Optimal Control of Viscous Fingering", in Journal of Process Control, Volume: 135, 2024, (pdf)
  3. N. Bekiaris-Liberis, D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit, "Compensation of Input-Dependent Hydraulic Input Delay for a Model of a Microfluidic Process Under Zweifach-Fung Effect", in Automatica, Volume: 160, 2024 (pdf)
  4. N. Petit, "Control of Microfluidic Separation Processes Governed by the Zweifach-Fung Effect", in Journal of Process Control, Volume: 132, 2023, (pdf)
  5. A. Fiot, S. Changey, and N. Petit, "Attitude estimation for artillery shells using magnetometers and frequency detection of accelerometers", in Control Engineering Practice, Volume: 122, 2022 (pdf)
  6. M. Vigne, A. El Khoury, M. Pétriaux, F. Di Meglio and N. Petit, "MOVIE: a Velocity-aided IMU Attitude Estimator for Observing and Controlling Multiple Deformations on Legged Robots", in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Volume: 7, Issue: 2, pp. 3969-3976 (pdf), 2022
  7. L. Amabile, D. Bresch-Pietri, G. El Hajje, S. Labbé and N. Petit, "Optimizing the self-consumption of residential photovoltaic energy and quantification of the impact of production forecast uncertainties", in Advances in Applied Energy, Volume 2, 2021 (pdf)
  8. C.-H. Clerget and N. Petit, "Optimal control of systems subject to input-dependent hydraulic delays", in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Volume: 66, Issue: 1, pp. 245-260, 2021(pdf)
  9. W. Ko, K. S. Phogat, N. Petit and D. E. Chang, "Tracking Controller Design for Satellite Attitude Under Unknown Constant Disturbance Using Stable Embedding", in Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2020 (pdf)
  10. D. Maamria, F. Chaplais, A. Sciarretta, and N. Petit, "Impact of regular perturbations in input constrained optimal control problems", in Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 1321--1351, 2020 (pdf)
  11. M. Vigne, A. El Khoury, F. Di Meglio, and N. Petit, "State Estimation for a Legged Robot with Multiple Flexibilities using IMUs: a kinematic approach", in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 195--202, 2020 (pdf)
  12. C.-H. Clerget, and N. Petit, "Dynamic optimization of processes with time varying hydraulic delays", in Journal of Process Control, 2019 (pdf)
  13. D. Bresch-Pietri, F. Mazenc, and N. Petit, "Robust compensation of a chattering time-varying input delay with jumps", in Automatica, Vol. 92, pp. 225-234, 2018 (pdf)
  14. C. Coudurier, O. Lepreux, N. Petit, "Modelling of a Tuned Liquid Multi-Column Damper. Application to floating wind turbine for improved robustness against wave incidence", in Ocean Engineering, Vol. 165, pp. 277-292, 2018 (pdf)
  15. C.-H. Clerget, J.-Ph. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, N. Petit, "An example of robust internal model control under variable and uncertain delay", in Journal of Process Control, 2017 (pdf)
  16. L. Magnis, and N. Petit, "Angular velocity nonlinear observer from vector measurements", in Automatica, Vol. 75, pp. 46-53, 2017 (pdf)
  17. L. Magnis, and N. Petit, "Angular velocity nonlinear observer from single vector measurements", in IEEE Tr. Automatic Control, Vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 2473-2483, 2016 (pdf)
  18. P. Malisani, F. Chaplais, and N. Petit, "An interior penalty method for optimal control problems with state and input constraints of non-linear systems", in Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2014 (pdf)
  19. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Prediction-based stabilization of linear systems subject to input-dependent input delay of integral type", in IEEE Tr. Automatic Control, Vol. 59, No. 9, pp. 2385-2399. 2014 (pdf)
  20. A. Bonfils, Y. Creff, O. Lepreux, and N. Petit, "Closed-loop control of a SCR system using a NOx sensor cross-sensitive to NH3", in Journal of Process Control, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 368-378, 2014 (pdf)
  21. F. Di Meglio, G.-O. Kaasa, N. Petit, and V. Alstad, "Stabilization of slugging in oil production facilities with or without upstream pressure sensors", in Journal of Process Control,Vol. 33 (4), pp. 809-822. 2012 (pdf)
  22. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Adaptive control scheme for uncertain time-delay systems", in Automatica, Vol 48, pp. 1536-1552. 2012 (pdf)
  23. J. Chauvin and N. Petit, "Periodic inputs reconstruction of partially measured linear periodic systems", in Automatica, Vol 48, pp 1467-1472. 2012 (pdf)
  24. N. Praly, M. Hillion, C. Bonnal, J. Laurent-Varin, and N. Petit, "Study on the eddy current damping of the spin dynamics of space debris from the Ariane launcher upper stages", in Acta Astronautica, Vol. 76, pp. 145-153. 2012 (pdf)
  25. C. M. Hall, G. M. Shaver, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Control-oriented modeling of combustion phasing for a fuel-flexible spark-ignited engine with variable valve timing", in International Journal of Engine Research. 2012 (pdf)
  26. O. Lepreux, Y. Creff, and N. Petit, "Model-based temperature control of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst", in Journal of Process Control, Vol. 22, pp. 41-50, 2012 (pdf)
  27. B. Youssef, Y. Creff, and N. Petit, "Model based control of a fed batch process used for catalyst support production", in Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 36, pp. 255-264, 2012 (pdf)
  28. M. Hillion, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Control of highly diluted combustion in Diesel engines", in Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 19, pp. 1274-1286, 2011 (pdf)
  29. O. Lepreux, Y. Creff, and N. Petit, "Practical achievable performance in Diesel Oxidation Catalyst temperature control", in Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 2011 (pdf)
  30. K. Graichen, A. Kugi, N. Petit, and F. Chaplais, "Handling constraints in optimal control with saturation functions and system extension", in Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 59, Issue 11, pp. 671-679. 2010.(pdf)
  31. P.-J. Bristeau, E. Dorveaux, D. Vissière and N. Petit, "Hardware and software architecture for state estimation on an experimental low-cost small-scaled helicopter", in Control Engineering Practice Vol.18, Issue 7, pp. 733-746. 2010 (pdf)
  32. M. Chèbre, Y. Creff and N. Petit, "Feedback control and optimization for the production of commercial fuels by blending", in Journal of Process Control PAPER PRIZE: Best article 2008-2011, Vol. 20, Issue 4, pp. 441-451. 2010 (pdf)
  33. J. Chauvin and N. Petit, "Reconstruction of the Fourier expansion of inputs of linear time-varying systems", in Automatica, Vol. 46, pp. 354-361. 2010 (pdf)
  34. J. Barraud, Y. Creff and N. Petit, "pH control of a fed batch reactor with precipitation", in Journal of Process Control. Vol. 19, pp. 888-895. 2009. (pdf)
  35. T. Leroy, J. Chauvin and N. Petit, "Motion planning for experimental airpath control of a VVT SI Engine", in Control Engineering Practice. Vol 17, pp. 1432-1439. 2009. (pdf)
  36. K. Graichen and N. Petit "Incorporating a class of constraints into the dynamics of optimal control problems", in Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, Vol. 30, Issue 6, pp. 537–561. 2009. (pdf).
  37. K. Graichen and N. Petit "Constructive methods for initialization and handling mixed state-input constraints in optimal control", in AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Vol. 31, No. 5, pp 1334-1343. 2008 (pdf)
  38. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Motion planning for experimental airpath control of a Diesel homogeneous charge-compression ignition engine", in Control Engineering Practice.Vol. 16, Issue 9, pp 1081-1091. 2008 (pdf)
  39. F. Chaplais and N. Petit, "Inversion in indirect optimal control of multivariable systems", ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. Vol. 14, pp. 294-317. 2008. (pdf)
  40. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Periodic input estimation for linear periodic systems: automotive engine applications", in Automatica. Vol. 43, No. 6, pp 971--980. 2007. (pdf)
  41. D. E. Chang, N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Time-optimal control of a particle in a dielectrophoretic system", in IEEE Tr. Automatic Control. Vol. 51, No. 7, pp 1100-1114. 2006. (pdf)
  42. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "High frequency individual cylinder estimation for control of Diesel engines", in Oil and Gas Technology, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp 57-72. 2006. (pdf)
  43. D. E. Chang and N. Petit, "Toward controlling dielectrophoresis", in International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, special issue on “Nanotechnology and Control” Vol. 15, Issue 16, pp 769-784. 2005. (pdf)
  44. D. Del Vecchio and N. Petit,"Boundary control for an industrial under-actuated tubular chemical reactor", in Journal of Process Control. Vol 15, Issue 7, pp 771-784. 2005. (pdf)
  45. J.-Y. Dieulot, N. Petit, P. Rouchon and G. Delaplace,"An arrangement of ideal zones with shifting boundaries as a way to model mixing processes in unsteady stirring conditions in agitated vessels", in Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 60/20, pp 5544-5554. 2005. (pdf)
  46. J.-Y. Dieulot, N. Petit, P. Rouchon and G. Delaplace,"A torus model containing a sliding well-mixed zone as a way to represent mixing process at unsteady stirring conditions in agitated vessels", in Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 192, pp 805-826. 2005. (pdf)
  47. W. B. Dunbar, N. Petit, P. Rouchon, Ph. Martin, "Motion planning for a nonlinear Stefan problem", ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. Vol 9, pp. 275--296. 2003.(pdf)
  48. N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Dynamics and solutions to some control problems for water-tank systems" , IEEE Tr. Automatic Control. Vol 47, No. 4, pp. 594-609. 2002. (pdf)
    [Matlab code for Real-time motion planning of the Circular Tank]
  49. N. Petit, P. Rouchon, J.-M. Boueilh, F. Guérin and Ph. Pinvidic,"Control of an industrial polymerization reactor using flatness", in Journal of Process Control. Vol 12, pp 659-665. 2002. (pdf) Journal of Process Control PAPER PRIZE: Best article 2002-2005.
  50. N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Flatness of heavy chain systems", SIAM J. of Control and Optimization. Vol 40, No. 2, pp. 475-495. 2001. (pdf)
    [ Matlab code for Real-time motion planning of a pair of curtains (derived from preceding paper)]
  51. N. Petit, Y. Creff and P. Rouchon,"Minimum time constrained control of acid strength on a sulfuric acid alkylation unit", Chemical Engineering Science. Vol 56/8, pp 2767-2774. 2001. (pdf)
  52. M. Petit and N. Petit,"The search of chaotic attractor in mental diseases", in Annales Médico-psychologiques, Vol 151 (10), pp 701-705. 1993.


  1. B. Piet, G. Strub, S. Changey, and N. Petit "Control of an UAV swarm in amorphous formation", in Proc. 2025 American Control Conference (ACC) (to appear)
  2. B. Piet, M. Ablak, G. Strub, S. Changey, and N. Petit "Experiments of High-Level Formation Flight of a Medium Scaled Swarm of Micro UAV in a Confined Environment with Obstacle", in Proc. of 2025 AIAA SciTech (pdf)
  3. N. Bekiaris-Liberis, D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit "Predictor-Feedback Control of a Model of Microfluidic Process With Hydraulic Input-Dependent Input Delay", in Proc. of 2023 European Control Conference (ECC) (pdf)
  4. M. Brunet, M. Pétriaux, F. Di Meglio, and N. Petit "Enabling safe walking rehabilitation on the exoskeleton Atalante: experimental results", in Prof. of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pdf)
  5. H. Ménou, E. Bourgeois, and N. Petit "Nominal and emergency rocket landing guidance using quadratic programming", in Proc. of 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference (pdf)
  6. H. Ménou, E. Bourgeois, and N. Petit "Managing constraints for infeasible rocket landing problems", in Proc. of 25TH ESA Symposium on European Rocket ans Balloon programmes (pdf)
  7. M. Brunet, M. Pétriaux, F. Di Meglio, and N. Petit "Fast replanning of a lower-limb exoskeleton trajectories for rehabilitation", in Proc. of 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2022 (pdf)
  8. N. Petit, "Control of a microfluidic separation process governed by the Zweifach-Fung effect", in Proc. of the 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems DYCOPS 2022 (pdf)
  9. A. Fiot, S. Changey, R. Adam and N. Petit "Estimation of the velocity of a projectile using radial accelerometers - validation on 155 mm free flight test", in Proc. of the 32nd International Symposium on Ballistics 2022 (pdf)
  10. H. Ménou, E. Bourgeois, and N. Petit "Sensitivity Analysis for Powered Descent Guidance: Overcoming degeneracy", in Proc. of 2022 European Control Conference (ECC) (pdf)
  11. M. Vigne, A. El Khoury, M. Pétriaux, F. Di Meglio and N. Petit, "MOVIE: a Velocity-aided IMU Attitude Estimator for Observing and Controlling Multiple Deformations on Legged Robots", in Proc. of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pdf)
  12. H. Ménou, E. Bourgeois, and N. Petit "Fuel-optimal program for atmospheric vertical powered landing", in Proc. of 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2021 (pdf)
  13. A. Sanjy, M. Trellet, N. Lafitte, C.-H. Clerget, and N. Petit "Optimization of microfluidic layouts as a wired packing problem ", in 11th IFAC International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) 2021 (pdf)
  14. M. Vigne, A. El Khoury, F. Di Meglio and N. Petit "Improving Low-Level Control of the Exoskeleton Atalante in Single Support by Compensating Joint Flexibility", in Proc. of the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020) (pdf)
  15. L. Amabile, D. Bresch-Pietri, G. El Hajje, S. Labbé and N. Petit "An optimization methodology for self-consumption of residential photovoltaic energy", in Proc. of the IFAC 2020 World Congress (pdf)
  16. P.-C. Aubin-Frankowski, N. Petit and Z. Szabo "Kernel Regression for Trajectory Reconstruction of Vehicles under Speed and Inter-vehicular Distance Constraints", in Proc. of the IFAC 2020 World Congress (pdf)
  17. N. Petit and I. Sarras "A generalized control law for uniform, global and exponential magnetic detumbling of rigid spacecraft", in Proc. of the IFAC 2020 World Congress (pdf)
  18. P.-C. Aubin-Frankowski and N. Petit "Data-driven approximation of differential inclusions and application to detection of transportation modes", in Proc. of 2020 European Control Conference 2020 (pdf)
  19. M. Vigne, A. El Khoury, F. Di Meglio and N. Petit "IMU-Based State Estimation for a Legged Robot with Multiple Flexibilities", in Proc. of IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) 2019 (to appear)
  20. D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit "Slow gas flow passing a solid is a convection/diffusion equation", in Proc. of 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems, (DYCOPS 2019) (pdf)
  21. A. Fiot, C. Combettes, S. Changey, and N. Petit "A gyroless adaptation of attitude complementary filtering ", in Proc. of the 2019 European Control Conference (pdf)
  22. A. Fiot, S. Changey, C. Combettes and N. Petit "A velocity observer for exterior ballistics using an embedded frequency detection of pitch and yaw aerodynamics ", in Proc. of 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2018 (pdf)
  23. M. Vigne, A. El Khoury, M. Masselin, F. Di Meglio and N. Petit "Estimation of multiple flexibilities of an articulated system using inertial measurements", in Proc. of 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2018 (pdf)
  24. C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, and N. Petit "An iterative algorithm for dynamic optimization of systems with input-dependent hydraulic delays", in 10th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) 2018 (pdf)
  25. C. Coudurier, O. Lepreux and N. Petit, "Optimal bang-bang control of a mechanical double oscillator using averaging methods", in Proc. of 9th IFAC Vienna International Confererence on Mathematical Modelling, MATHMOD 2018 (pdf)
  26. A. Fiot, S. Changey, C. Combettes and N. Petit "Estimation of air velocity for a high velocity spinning projectile using transverse accelerometers", in Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 2018 (pdf)
  27. L. Magnis and N. Petit "Angular velocity and torque estimation from vector measurements", in Proc. of the IFAC 2017 World Congress (pdf)
  28. D. Maamria, A. Sciarretta, F. Chaplais and N. Petit "Online Energy Management System (EMS) Including Engine and Catalyst Temperatures for a Parallel HEV", in Proc. of the IFAC 2017 World Congress (pdf)
  29. P. Batista, N. Petit, C. Silvestre and P. J. Oliveira "Relaxed conditions for uniform complete observability and controllability of LTV systems with bounded realizations", in Proc. of the IFAC 2017 World Congress (pdf)
  30. J. Han, A. Sciarretta and N. Petit "Handling state constraints in fast-computing optimal control for hybrid powertrains", in Proc. of the IFAC 2017 World Congress (pdf)
  31. M. Chèbre, N. Petit, C.-H. Clerget, and J.-P. Grimaldi "Scalable integrated solution for real time estimation, control and optimization of the quality of fuels manufactured in refineries: an industrial story", in Proc. of the IFAC 2017 World Congress (pdf)
  32. C.-H. Clerget, N. Petit, and L. T. Biegler "Dynamic optimization of a system with input-dependant time delays", in Proc. of the Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations / Chemical Process Control FOCAPO/CPC 2017 (pdf)
  33. C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, and N. Petit, "Optimization of dynamical systems with time-varying or input-varying delays", in Proc. of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2016 (pdf)
  34. N. Beeker, P. Malisani and N. Petit, "Modelling populations of electric hot water tanks with Fokker-Planck equations", in Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Control of systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations, CPDE 2016 (pdf)
  35. N. Beeker, P. Malisani and N. Petit, "An optimization algorithm for load-shifting of large sets of electric hot water tanks", in Proc. of the 29th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2016 (pdf)
  36. C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, and N. Petit, "Run-to-run control with nonlinearity and delay uncertainty", in Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems, DYCOPS-CAB 2016 (pdf)
  37. N. Beeker, P. Malisani and N. Petit, "Discrete-time optimal control of electric hot water tank", in Proc. of the 11th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems DYCOPS-CAB 2016 (pdf)
  38. N. Beeker, P. Malisani and N. Petit, "Statistical properties of domestic hot water consumption", in Proc. of the 12th REHVA World Congress, CLIMA 2016 (pdf)
  39. D. Bresch-Pietri, N. Petit, and M. Krstic "Prediction-based control for nonlinear state- and input-delay systems with the aim of delay-robustness analysis", in Proc. of 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2015 (pdf)
  40. C. Coudurier, O. Lepreux and N. Petit, "Passive and semi-active control of an offshore floating wind turbine using a tuned liquid column damper", in Proc. of 10th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, MCMC'2015 (pdf)
  41. N. Beeker, P. Malisani and N. Petit, "Dynamical modeling for electric hot water tank", in Proc. of the 1st IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems MICNON 2015 (pdf)
  42. N. Petit, "Analysis of problems induced by imprecise dating of measurements in oil and gas production", Keynote, in Proc. of the ADCHEM 2015, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 2015 (pdf)
  43. N. Petit, "Systems with uncertain and variable delays in the oil industry: some examples and first solutions", Plenary, in Proc. of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control of Offshore Oil and Gas Production 2015 (pdf)
  44. N. Beeker, P. Malisani and N. Petit, "A distributed parameters model for electric hot water tanks", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2015 (pdf)
  45. D. Maamria, F. Chaplais, N. Petit and A. Sciarretta, "Comparison of several strategies for HEV energy management system including engine and catalyst temperatures", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2015 (pdf)
  46. D. Bresch-Pietri and N. Petit, "Robust compensation of a shattering time-varying input delay", in Proc. of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014 (pdf)
  47. D. Maamria, F. Chaplais, N. Petit and A. Sciarretta, "On the impact of model simplification in input constrained optimal control: application to HEV energy-thermal management", in Proc. of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2014 (pdf)
  48. L. Magnis and N. Petit, "Estimation of 3D rotation for a satellite from Sun sensors", in Proc. of the 2014 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  49. D. Maamria, F. Chaplais, N. Petit and A. Sciarretta, "Numerical optimal control as a method to evaluate the benefit of thermal management in hybrid electric vehicles", in Proc. of the 2014 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  50. D. Bresch-Pietri and N. Petit, "Prediction-based control for linear systems with input- and state-delay -- Robustness to delay mismatch", in Proc. of the 2014 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  51. A. Preveral, A. Trihoreau and N. Petit "Geographically-distributed databases: a Big Data technology for production analysis in the Oil & Gas Industry", paper SPE 167844, in SPE Intelligent Energy Conference, 2014 (pdf)
  52. G. Pacheco, B. Carpentier and N. Petit, "De-orbiting of space debris by means of a towing cable and a single thruster spaceship: whiplash and tail wagging effects", in Proc. of the 6th European Conference on Space Debris 2013 (pdf)
  53. N. Petit, "Model-based control of automotive engines and after-treatment devices", Plenary, in Proc. of IFAC Joint conference - Grenoble 2013 (pdf)
  54. L. Magnis, and N. Petit,"Rotation estimation for a satellite from Sun sensors", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2013 (pdf)
  55. D. Bresch-Pietri, T. Leroy and N. Petit,"Estimation of the distributed temperature of a SI engine catalyst for light-off strategy", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2013 (pdf)
  56. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Sufficient condition for compensation of input-dependent input-delay on a linear system", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2013 (pdf)
  57. D. Bresch-Pietri, T. Leroy, and N. Petit, "Control-oriented time-varying input-delayed temperature model for SI engine exhaust catalyst", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2013 (pdf)
  58. C. Batista, N.Petit, C. Silvestre, and P. J. Oliveira, "Further results on the observability in magneto-inertial navigation", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2013 (pdf)
  59. D. Bresch-Pietri, T. Leroy, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Practical delay modeling of externally recirculated burned gas fraction for Spark-Ignited engines", in Proc. of the 11-th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems TDS 2013 (pdf)
  60. C.-A. Kieffer, S. Ritty, T. Boudot, N. Petit, J. Weber, and A. Le Nel, "A high precision fluid handling system based on pressure actuation: multi-inlets flow-rate control ", in Proc. of the 3rd European conference on Microfluidics, muFLU12 (pdf)
  61. C.-A. Kieffer, S. Ritty, T. Boudot, N. Petit, J. Weber, and A. Le Nel, "Precise fluid handling system based on pressure regulation",in Proc. of the 1st International conference on MicroFluidic Handling Systems, MFHS 2012 (pdf)
  62. P. Malisani, F. Chaplais, and N. Petit, "A fully unconstrained interior point algorithm for multivariable state and input constrained optimal control problems ", in Proc. of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2012 (pdf)
  63. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Invoking Halanay inequality to conclude on closed-loop stability of processes with input-varying delay", in Proc. of the 10th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems TDS 2012 (pdf)
  64. A. Bonfils, Y. Creff, O. Lepreux, and N. Petit,"Closed-loop control of SCR systems with a NH3-sensitive NOx sensor", in Proc. of the ADCHEM 2012, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 2012 (pdf)
  65. F. Di Meglio, G.-O. Kaasa, N. Petit, and V. Alstad, "Model-based control of slugging: advances and challenges", in IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production 2012 (pdf)
  66. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Prediction-based feedback control of a class of processes with input-varying delay", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2012 (pdf)
  67. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Prediction-based trajectory tracking of External Gas Recirculation for turbocharged SI engines", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2012 (pdf)
  68. C. M. Hall, G. M. Shaver, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Combustion phasing model for control of a gasoline-ethanol fueled SI engine with Variable Valve Timing", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2012 (pdf)
  69. P. Malisani, F. Chaplais, and N. Petit, "A constructive interior penalty method for optimal control problems with state and input constraints", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2012 (pdf)
  70. F. Di Meglio, M. Krstic, R. Vasquez, and N. Petit, "Backstepping stabilization of an underactuated 3x3 linear hyperbolic system of fluid flow transport equations", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2012 (pdf)
  71. N. Zarrouati , M. Hillion, and N. Petit, "Curvilinear velocity estimation using low-quality stereo-vision systems and a gyrometer", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2012 (pdf)
  72. E. Dorveaux and N. Petit, "Harmonization of a multi-sensor navigation system ", in Proc. of International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2011 (pdf)
  73. P. Malisani, F. Chaplais and N. Petit, "Design of penalty functions for optimal control of linear dynamical systems under state and input constraints", in Proc. of the 50th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2011 (pdf)
  74. N. Praly, N. Petit, Ch. Bonnal and J. Laurent-Varin, "Study on the eddy current damping of the spin dynamics of spatial debris from the Ariane launcher", in Proc. of the 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (pdf)
  75. N. Praly, N. Petit, and J. Laurent-Varin, "Using distributed magnetometry in navigation of heavy launchers and space vehicles", in Proc. of the 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (pdf)
  76. P. Malisani, B. Favre, S. Thiers, B. Peuportier, F. Chaplais and N. Petit, "Investigating the ability of various buildings in handling load shiftings", in Proc. of the International Conference on Power Engineering and Automation (PEAM2011) (pdf
  77. P.-J. Bristeau, F. Callou, D. Vissière, and N. Petit, "The navigation and control technology inside the AR.Drone micro UAV", in Proc. of the 2011 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  78. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Output feedback control of time delay systems with adaptation of delay estimate", in Proc. of the 2011 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  79. M. Chèbre, Y. Creff, and N. Petit, "Handling parameter ranking, equalities and bounds in adaptive control of blending systems", in Proc. of the 2011 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  80. N. Petit, and A. Sciarretta, "Optimal drive of electric vehicles using an inversion-based trajectory generation approach", in Proc. of the 2011 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  81. P.-J. Bristeau, and N. Petit, "Navigation system for ground vehicles using Temporally Interconnected Observers", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2011 (pdf)
  82. F. Di Meglio, G.-O. Kaasa, N. Petit, and V. Alstad, "Slugging in multiphase flow as a mixed initial-boundary value problem for a quasilinear hyperbolic system", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2011 (pdf)
  83. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Adaptive backstepping for uncertain systems with time-delay on-line update laws", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2011 (pdf)
  84. E. Dorveaux, T. Boudot, M. Hillion, and N. Petit, "Combining inertial measurements and distributed magnetometry for motion estimation", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2011 (pdf)
  85. J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Asymptotic reconstruction of the Fourier expansion of inputs of linear time-varying systems with applications", in Proc. of the IFAC Workshop on peridoc control systems PSYCO 2010 (pdf)
  86. D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Adaptive Backstepping Controller for Uncertain Systems With Unknown Input Time-Delay. Application to SI Engines", in Proc. of the 49th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2010 (pdf)
  87. P. Malisani, F. Chaplais, N. Petit, and D. Feldmann , "Thermal building model identification using time-scaled identification methods", in Proc. of the 49th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2010 (pdf)
  88. F. Di Meglio, G.-O. Kaasa, N. Petit, and V. Alstad, "Reproducing slugging oscillations of a real oil well", in Proc. of the 49th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2010 (pdf)
  89. P.-J. Bristeau, N. Petit, and L. Praly, "Design of a navigation filter by analysis of local observability", in Proc. of the 49th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2010 (pdf)
  90. T. Leroy, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Transient Burned Gas Rate Control on VVA equipped Diesel Engines", in 6th IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control 2010 (pdf)
  91. F. Di Meglio, G.-O. Kaasa, N. Petit, and V. Alstad, "Model-based control of slugging flow: an experimental case study", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2010 (pdf
  92. E. Dorveaux, D. Vissière, and N. Petit, "On-the-field calibration of an array of sensors", in Proc. of the American Control Conference 2010 (pdf)
  93. F. Di Meglio, G.-O. Kaasa, and N. Petit, "A first principle model for multiphase slugging flow in vertical risers", in Proc. of the 48th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2009 (pdf)
  94. E. Dorveaux, D. Vissière, A. P. Martin, N. Petit, "Iterative calibration method for inertial and magnetic sensors", in Proc. of the 48th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2009 (pdf)
  95. P.-J. Bristeau, and N. Petit, "Trajectory estimation for a hybrid rocket", in 2009 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference (pdf)
  96. M. Hillion, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit,"Combustion control of an HCCI Diesel engine with cool flame phenomenon", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2009 (pdf)
  97. T. Leroy , J. Chauvin, and N. Petit,"Controlling In-cylinder Composition on Turbocharged Variable-Valve-Timing Spark Ignition Engines", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2009 (pdf)
  98. O. Lepreux, Y. Creff, and N. Petit,"Warm-up Strategy for a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2009 (pdf)
  99. C. Ponssard, K. Graichen, N. Petit and J. Laurent-Varin,"Ascent optimization for a heavy space launcher ", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2009 (pdf)
  100. P.-J. Bristeau, Ph. Martin, E. Salaun, and N. Petit,"The role of propeller aerodynamics in the model of a quadrotor UAV", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2009 (pdf)
  101. O. Lepreux, Y. Creff, and N. Petit,"Model-based Control Design of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst", in Proc. of the ADCHEM 2009, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes 2009 (pdf)
  102. M. Hillion, H. Buhlbuck, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit,"Combustion Control of Diesel Engines Using Injection Timing", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2009 (pdf)
  103. T. Leroy, M. Bitauld, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit,"In-cylinder Burned Gas Rate Estimation and Control on VVA Diesel Engines", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2009 (pdf)
  104. E. Dorveaux, D. Vissière, A. P. Martin, and N. Petit, "Timestamping for an array of low-cost sensors" in Proc. of the IFAC workshop on programmable devices and embedded systems 2009 (pdf)
  105. K. Graichen, N. Petit, A. Kugi, "Transformation of optimal control problems with a state constraint avoiding interior boundary conditions" in Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2008 (pdf)
  106. M. Hillion , J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Open-loop Combustion control of a Spark-Ignited Engine", in Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2008 (pdf)
  107. T. Leroy, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Controlling Air and Burned Gas Masses of Turbocharged VVT SI Engines", in Proc. of the 47th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2008 pdf
  108. M. Hillion , J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Controlling the start of combustion on an HCCI Diesel engine", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2008 (pdf)
  109. O. Lepreux, Y. Creff, and N. Petit, "Motion Planning for a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Outlet Temperature", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2008 (pdf)
  110. T. Leroy, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Airpath Control of a SI Engine with Variable Valve Timing Actuators", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2008 (pdf)
  111. D. Vissière, and N. Petit, "An embedded system for small-scaled autonomous vehicles", in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) 2008 (pdf)
  112. K. Graichen, N. Petit, "A continuation approach to state and adjoint calculation in optimal control applied to the reentry problem", in Proc. of the 2008 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  113. K. Graichen, N. Petit, "Solving the Goddard problem with thrust and dynamic pressure constraints using saturation functions", in Proc. of the 2008 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  114. D. Vissière, P.-J. Bristeau, A. P. Martin, N. Petit, "Experimental autonomous flight of a small-scaled helicopter using accurate dynamics model and low-cost sensors", in Proc. of the 2008 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  115. M. Hillion, J. Chauvin, O. Grondin and N. Petit,"Active Combustion Control of Diesel HCCI Engine: Combustion Timing", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2008 (pdf)
  116. D. Vissière, A. Martin, and N. Petit, "Using spatially distributed magnetometers to increase IMU-based velocity estimation in perturbed areas", in Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2007 (pdf)
  117. F. Chaplais and N. Petit, "Inversion in indirect optimal control: constrained and unconstrained cases", in Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2007 (pdf)
  118. J. Chauvin, and N. Petit, "Experimental control of Variable Cam Timing actuators", in Proc. of the Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control 2007 (pdf)
  119. J. Chauvin, A. Albrecht, G. Corde, and N. Petit, "Modeling and control of a Diesel HCCI engine", in Proc. of the Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control 2007 (pdf)
  120. T. Leroy, J. Chauvin, G. Corde, and N. Petit, "Motion planning control of the airpath of a S.I. engine with Valve Timing Actuators", in Proc. of the Fifth IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control 2007 (pdf)
  121. D. Vissière, A. Martin, and N. Petit, "Using magnetic disturbances to improve IMU-based position estimation", in Proc. of European Control Conference 2007 (pdf)
  122. D. Vissière, D. E. Chang, and N. Petit, "Experiments of trajectory generation and obstacle avoidance for a UGV", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2007 (pdf)
  123. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, and N. Petit, "Transient control of a Diesel engine airpath", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2007 (pdf)
  124. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, and N. Petit, "Constrained motion planning for the airpath of a Diesel HCCI engine", in Proc. of the 45th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2006 (pdf)
  125. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Kalman Filtering for Real-Time Individual Cylinder Air Fuel Ratio Observer on a Diesel Engine Test Bench", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2006 (pdf)
  126. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Experimental Motion Planning in Airpath Control for HCCI engine", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2006 (pdf)
  127. L. Sinègre, N. Petit and P. Ménégatti,"Predicting instabilities in gas-lifted wells simulation", in Proc. of American Control Conference 2006 (pdf)
  128. L. Sinègre, N. Petit and T. Saint-Pierre, "Active control strategy for density-wave in gas-lifted wells", in Proc. of the ADCHEM 2006, International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (pdf)
  129. J. Chauvin, N. Petit, P. Rouchon and G. Corde,"Periodic Input Observer Design: Application for Imbalance Diagnosis", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2006 (pdf)
  130. J. Chauvin, N. Petit, P. Rouchon, Ph. Moulin, and G. Corde,"Six Degrees Crankshaft Individual Air Fuel Ratio Estimation of Diesel Engines for Cylinder Balancing Purpose", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2006 (pdf)
  131. J. Chauvin, N. Petit, P. Rouchon, G. Corde and C. Vigild,"Air Path Estimation on Diesel HCCI Engine", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2006 (pdf)
  132. L. Sinègre, N. Petit and P. Ménégatti, "Distributed delay model for density wave dynamics", in Proc. of the 44th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2005 (pdf)
  133. L. Sinègre, N. Petit, P. Lemétayer, P. Gervaud and P. Ménégatti, "Casing-heading phenomenon in gas-lifted well as a limit cycle of a 2D model with switches", in Proc. of the 2005 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  134. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, M. Castagné, N.Petit and P. Rouchon, "Real-Time Nonlinear Individual Cylinder Air Fuel Ratio Observer on a Diesel Engine",in Proc. of the 2005 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  135. D. E. Chang, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Time-optimal control of a particle in a dielectrophoretic system", in Proc. of the 2005 IFAC World Congress (pdf)
  136. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, M. Castagné, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Real-Time Combustion Torque Estimation on a Diesel Engine Test Bench Using Time-Varying Kalman Filtering",in Proc. of the 43rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2004 (pdf)
  137. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, M. Castagné, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Real-Time Combustion Torque Estimation on a Diesel Engine Test Bench Using an adaptive Fourier Basis Decomposition", in Proc. of the 43rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control 2004 (pdf)
  138. J. Barraud, Y. Creff and N.Petit, "PI Controllers Performance for a Process Model with varying delay", in Proc. of UKACC Int. Control Conference 2004 (pdf)
  139. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, M. Castagné, N.Petit and P. Rouchon,"Observer Design for Torque Balancing on a DI Engine", in Proc. of Society Automotive Engine World Congress 2004 (pdf)
  140. J. Chauvin, G. Corde, Ph. Moulin, M. Castagné, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Time-varying Linear Observer for Torque Balancing on a DI Engine", in Proc. of the 1st IFAC Symp. on Advances in Automotive Control 2004 (pdf)
  141. T. Neckel, Ch. Talbot, and N. Petit,"Collocation and inversion for a reentry optimal control problem", in Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conference on Launcher Technology. 2003 (pdf)
  142. F. Chaplais, and N. Petit,"Inversion in indirect optimal control",in Proc. of the 7th European Control Conf. 2003 (pdf)
  143. W. B. Dunbar, N. Petit, P. Rouchon, Ph. Martin, "Boundary control for a nonlinear Stefan Problem", in Proc. of the 42nd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control. 2003 (pdf)
  144. N. Petit, M. B. Milam, and R. M. Murray,"A new computational method for Optimal Control of a Class of Constrained Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations", in Proc. of the 2002 IFAC World Congress. (pdf)
  145. N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Flatness of Heavy Chain Systems",in Proc. of the 41st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control. 2002 (pdf)
  146. N. Petit, M. B. Milam, and R. M. Murray, "Inversion Based Trajectory Optimization", in 2001 IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design. (pdf)
  147. M. B. Milam, N. Petit, and R. M. Murray, "Constrained Trajectory Generation for Micro-satellite Formation Flying", in 2001 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference. (pdf)
  148. M. Fliess, Ph. Martin, N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Active Restoration of a Signal by Precompensation Technique", in Proc. of the 38th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control. 1999 (pdf)
  149. F. Dubois, N. Petit, and P. Rouchon,"Motion Planning and Nonlinear Simulations for a Tank Containing a Fluid", in Proc. of the 5th European Control Conf. 1999. (pdf)
  150. N. Petit, Y. Creff and P. Rouchon,"Motion Planning for Two Classes of Nonlinear Systems with Delays Depending on the Control", in Proc. of the 37th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control. 1998. (pdf)
  151. N. Petit, Y. Creff and P. Rouchon, "Delta-Freeness of a Class of Linear Systems", in Proc. of the 4th European Control Conf. 1997. (pdf)

Book chapters/Special Issue

  1. Editor for Journal of Process Control Special Issue on Efficient Energy Management 2018 (view at publisher)
  2. L. Magnis, and N. Petit, "Estimation of attitude from a single-direction sensor", chapter in "Multisensor attitude estimation: fundamental concepts and applications", pp. 261-276 (eds) H. Fourati, D. E. C. Belkiat. CRC Press 2016. (pdf)
  3. D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit, "Implicit integral equations for modeling systems with a transport delay", chapter in "Recent results on time-delay systems. Analysis and Control", Vol. in "Advances in Delays and Dynamics". pp. 3-21 (eds) Witrant, E., Fridman, E., Sename, O., Dugard, L. Springer 2016 (view at publisher)
  4. D. Bresch-Pietri, and N. Petit, "Prediction-based control of linear systems by compensating input-dependent input-delay of integral-type", chapter in "Recent results on nonlinear delay control systems", Vol. in "Advances in Delays and Dynamics". pp. 79-93 (eds) Karafyllis, I., Malisoff, M., Mazenc, F., Pepe, P. Springer 2015 (pdf)
  5. D. Bresch-Pietri, T. Leroy, J. Chauvin and N. Petit, "Practical delay modeling of externally recirculated burned gas fraction for Spark-Ignited engines", chapter in "Delay Systems: from Theory to Numerics and Applications", Vol. in "Advances in Delays and Dynamics". Vol. 1, pp. 359-372 (eds) T. Vyhlídal, J.-F. Lafay, R. Sipahi, Springer 2014 (pdf)
  6. D. Bresch-Pietri, T. Leroy, and N. Petit, "Control-oriented input-delay model of the distributed temperature of a SI engine exhaust catalyst", chapter in "Low complexity controllers for time-delay systems", Vol. in "Advances in Delays and Dynamics". (eds) C. Bonnet, H. Mounier, H.Özbay and A. Seuret, Vol. 2, pp 173-188, Springer 2014 (pdf)
  7. N. Praly, P.-J. Bristeau, J. Laurent-Varin, and N. Petit, "Using distributed magnetometry in navigation of heavy launchers and space vehicles", chapter in "Advances in Aerospace Sciences", Vol. 6. (eds) A. V. Shalimov, pp 45-64, Torus 2012 (pdf)
  8. N. Petit, "Control Problems for One-Dimensional Fluids and Reactive Fluids with Moving Interfaces", chapter in "Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems with Physical Modelling", (eds) J. Lévine and Ph. Müllhaupt, (Lecture Notes In Control and Information Sciences 407), ISBN: 978-3-642-16134-6, pp 323-337, Springer 2010 (pdf)
  9. R. M. Murray, J. Hauser, A. Jadbabaie, M. B. Milam, N. Petit, W. B. Dunbar and R. Franz,"Online control customization via optimization-based control", chapter in "Software-Enabled Control, Information technology for dynamical systems" (eds) T. Samad , G. Balas, pp 149-174, Wiley-Interscience, 2003
  10. N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Motion planning for heavy chain systems", in "Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 259: Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000" (eds.) A. Isidori and F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and W. Respondek, pp 229-236 , Springer, 2000
  11. N. Petit, P. Rouchon, J.-M. Boueilh, F. Guérin, P. Pinvidic,"Control of an industrial polymerization reactor using flatness", in "Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 259: Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000" (eds.) A. Isidori and F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and W. Respondek , pp 237-244 , Springer, 2000


  • Control procedures and anti-glare system for motor vehicles. FR3105458A1 (link)
  • Microfluidic device. 20200188916
  • Flow-rate in a microfluidic device. 20140099722
  • Flow-rate calibration and control in a microfluidic device. EP2720103B1
  • Method and device for producing a mixture of constituents with constraints, especially with premixing. WO/2010/015766
  • Solid body's position and speed estimating device for use in e.g. building, has electronic card using data of magnetometers to estimate body speed, by using specific equation comprising parameters such as magnetic field and Hessian matrix. FR2914739
  • Procédé et dispositif de contrôle de l'elaboration d'un melange de constituants, notamment d'un mélange avec volumes morts de pre-melange. FR2901894
  • Procédé et dispositif d'elaboration d'un melange de constituants avec contraintes, notamment avec pre-melange. FR2934691
  • Method of Estimating the Instantaneous Engine Speed Produced by Each Cylinder of an Internal-Combustion Engine. US2008319725
  • Method for estimating instantaneous speed produced by each of the cylinders of an internal combustion engine. WO2007034057
  • Method for estimating the air/fuel ratio in a cylinder of an internal combustion engine using an extended Kalman filter. FR2886346
  • Estimation method using a non-linear adaptive filter of airfuel mixture richness in a cylinder of a combustion engine. FR2886345
  • Method for estimating air-fuel ratio in cylinder of internal combustion engine using extended Kalman filter. JP2006336645
  • Estimation method using non-linear adaptive filter of air-fuel ratio in cylinder of internal combustion engine. JP2006336644
  • Method of estimating the fuel/air ratio in a cylinder of an internal-combustion engine by means of an adaptive nonlinear filter. US20060271271
  • Bottom hole pressure estimation IDDN.FR.001.340008.000.R.P.2006.000.30400



  • N. Petit. "People in control", Interview in IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Volume: 41, Issue: 1, Feb. 2021, (pdf)
  • N. Petit. Théorie des observateurs asymptotiques et reconstruction de la vitesse de rotation d'un corps rigide à partir de mesures de directions - Hommage à Jean-Jacques Moreau. CFM 2015 - 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2015, Lyon, France (pdf)
  • L. Magnis and N. Petit, "Impact of measurement dating inaccuracies in the monitoring of bulk flows", in Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol 13, (1), pp 30-38, 2015 (pdf)
  • N. Petit, "Théorie du contrôle: automobile, pétrole, aéronautique', in "Des mathématiques au monde socio-économique" Société Mathématique de France. 2015 (pdf)
  • N. Petit and F. Chaplais "Contrôle-commande et exploitation de données en temps réel', in "Livre blanc sur les recherches en énergétique des bâtiments" du Groupe d’Analyse Prospective Thématique (GAT) Bâtiment et ville durables, B. Peuportier (coord.). 2013
  • D. Bresch-Pietri, J. Chauvin, and N. Petit,"Contrôle de la recirculation de gaz brûlés pour un moteur essence suralimenté : apports d’une approche à retard dépendant de la commande", in Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique 2012 (pdf)
  • J. Chauvin, G. Corde, N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Airpath strategy for experimental control of a Diesel HCCI Engine", in E-COSM – Rencontres Scientifiques de l’IFP – 2-4 Octobre 2006, Proceedings, pp. 111-119, 2006 (pdf)
  • J. Chauvin, G. Corde, N. Petit and P. Rouchon,"Filtre de Kalman ou observateur de Luenberger nonlinéaire? Comparaison expérimentale sur des exemples issus du contrôle moteur", in Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique 2006
  • N. Petit and P. Rouchon, "Théorie du contrôle non linéaire", in Science et Info Prépas Hors-Série 4, Tangente Sup Sciences POLE, pp. 60-67, 2002
  • M. B. Milam and N. Petit,"Constrained Trajectory Generation for a Planar Missile", Research report, California Institute of Technology, Control and Dynamical Systems, 2001
  • N. Petit, "Delay Systems. Flatness in Process Control and Control of some Wave Equations". PhD Dissertation, Ecole des Mines de Paris. (pdf) ( (ps)

Industrial applications



Prix de la recherche appliquée aux PME-ETI de la FIEEC, pour la collaboration avec la société Fluigent (link)(pict)

Regional Production and Operations Award, SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers, South, Central & East Europe Region, 2016 (link)(pict)



Senior Editor for Journal of Process Control since 2012

Editor for Oil & Gaz Science and Technology OGST since 2018

Associate Editor for Automatica 2006-2015.



Timo Ströhle 7.24 (Walter Benjamin Programme)
Felipe Moran 4.17 - 8.17 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Vinicius Marconi Bacelar 4.17 - 8.17 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Joao Vitor Assmann 5.16 - 7.16 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Mateos Kassa 1.16 - 5.16 (Illinois Institute of Technology, Chateaubriand Fellowship)
Philibert de Chastellux 5.15 - 7.15 (ENSTA ParisTech)
François Pacaud 1.15 - 2.15 (MINES ParisTech) Laureate of "Total IT Student Contest 2015" (view) (link)
Douglas Souza 5.14 - 8.14 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Armin Grieser 10.13 - 5.14 (Universität Ulm)
Thibault Faney 11.13 - 2.14 postdoc (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Paulo R. Arantes Gilz 05.13 - 08.13 (ENSTA ParisTech) videos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, water-tank
Claudia Beyss 10.12 - 01.13 (RWTH Aachen University)
Aryan Khojandi 06.12 - 09.12 (MIT)
Gabriel Felippe da Cruz Pacheco 05.12 - 08.12 (ENSTA)
Sopheaktra Kim (joint with D. Bresch-Pietri) 05.12 - 08.12 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Mian Chen (joint with N. Zarrouati) 05.12 - 08.12 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Lionel Magnis 09.11 - 09.12 (ENS Cachan)
Etienne Servais 10.11 - 01.12 (MINES ParisTech)
Clément Probel 01.11 - 06.11(MINES ParisTech)
Carrie Hall 01.11- 04.11 (Purdue University, Chateaubriand Fellowship)
Thomas Boudot 04.10 - 08.10 (Ecole Polytechnique), 07.11 (ISAE), 05.12 - 07.12 (ISAE)
Augustin Jouy 04.10 - 08.10 Awarded Grand Prix d'Option de l'Ecole Polytechnique 2010 (Ecole Polytechnique)
Fady Assassa 06.08 - 12.08 (RWTH Aachen)
Eric Dorveaux 04.08 - 09.08 (Supelec)
Clément Ponssard 05.08 - 07.08 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Olivier Renaud 05.08 - 07.08 (ENSTA ParisTech)
Pierre-Jean Bristeau 04.07 - 09.07 Awarded Grand Prix d'Option de l'Ecole Polytechnique 2007, 04.08 - 09.08 (SupAero)
Knut Graichen 01.07 - 12.07 postdoc (ISD, University of Stuttgart)
Dong Eui Chang 10.03 - 11.04 postdoc (CDS - CalTech)
Domitilla Del Vecchio 09.03 - 11.03 (CDS - CalTech)
05.02 - 07.02 (CDS - CalTech)
Oskar Nilsson 04.03 - 08.03 (Lund LTH)
Tobias Neckel 04.03 - 08.03 (Ecole Polytechnique)