MINES ParisTech CAS - Centre automatique et systèmes

Optimization of dynamical systems with time-varing or input-varying delays

Authors: C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, N. Petit, 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2016, pp. 2282-2289, December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2016.7798603
We study the optimization of dynamical systems exhibiting variable time delays. We consider time-varying delays, and delays implicitly defined by input variables as they appear in systems involving fluid transport phenomena. We establish the necessary optimality conditions. Simulations results are presented.
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author = {C.-H. Clerget, J.-P. Grimaldi, M. Chèbre, N. Petit},
editor = {},
title = {Optimization of dynamical systems with time-varing or input-varying delays},
booktitle = {55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2016},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Las Vegas},
pages = {2282-2289},
year = {2016},
abstract = {We study the optimization of dynamical systems exhibiting variable time delays. We consider time-varying delays, and delays implicitly defined by input variables as they appear in systems involving fluid transport phenomena. We establish the necessary optimality conditions. Simulations results are presented.},
keywords = {optimal control, variable time delays, fluid transport processes, process control}}