An online compensation algorithm for improving the performance of gas ring laser gyroscopes
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Authors: N. Badaoui, F. Bretenaker, G. Feugnet, P. Martin, B. Morbieu, P. Rouchon, S. Schwartz, 2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), pp. 736 - 742, September 19-22 2016, Buenos Aires
The gas Ring Laser Gyroscope is an excellent inertial rotation sensor. Nevertheless, its accuracy at low angular velocities is limited by the (very small) imperfections of the mirrors forming its optical cavity. In this paper, we propose to compensate the effect of these imperfections thanks to an online estimation of the system parameters. The estimator is designed on a suitable simplification of the model, in which the parameters appear linearly, and its convergence is proved. The relevance of the approach is illustrated in simulation; in particular, it is seen that good performance can be achieved even with lower quality mirrors.
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author = {N. Badaoui, F. Bretenaker, G. Feugnet, P. Martin, B. Morbieu, P. Rouchon, S. Schwartz},
editor = {},
title = {An online compensation algorithm for improving the performance of gas ring laser gyroscopes},
booktitle = {2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Buenos Aires},
pages = {736 - 742},
year = {2016},
abstract = {The gas Ring Laser Gyroscope is an excellent inertial rotation sensor. Nevertheless, its accuracy at low angular velocities is limited by the (very small) imperfections of the mirrors forming its optical cavity. In this paper, we propose to compensate the effect of these imperfections thanks to an online estimation of the system parameters. The estimator is designed on a suitable simplification of the model, in which the parameters appear linearly, and its convergence is proved. The relevance of the approach is illustrated in simulation; in particular, it is seen that good performance can be achieved even with lower quality mirrors.},
keywords = {}}
The gas Ring Laser Gyroscope is an excellent inertial rotation sensor. Nevertheless, its accuracy at low angular velocities is limited by the (very small) imperfections of the mirrors forming its optical cavity. In this paper, we propose to compensate the effect of these imperfections thanks to an online estimation of the system parameters. The estimator is designed on a suitable simplification of the model, in which the parameters appear linearly, and its convergence is proved. The relevance of the approach is illustrated in simulation; in particular, it is seen that good performance can be achieved even with lower quality mirrors.
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author = {N. Badaoui, F. Bretenaker, G. Feugnet, P. Martin, B. Morbieu, P. Rouchon, S. Schwartz},
editor = {},
title = {An online compensation algorithm for improving the performance of gas ring laser gyroscopes},
booktitle = {2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)},
volume = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Buenos Aires},
pages = {736 - 742},
year = {2016},
abstract = {The gas Ring Laser Gyroscope is an excellent inertial rotation sensor. Nevertheless, its accuracy at low angular velocities is limited by the (very small) imperfections of the mirrors forming its optical cavity. In this paper, we propose to compensate the effect of these imperfections thanks to an online estimation of the system parameters. The estimator is designed on a suitable simplification of the model, in which the parameters appear linearly, and its convergence is proved. The relevance of the approach is illustrated in simulation; in particular, it is seen that good performance can be achieved even with lower quality mirrors.},
keywords = {}}